Being a property manager is no easy task, especially if it’s a parking lot that you are in charge of. Not only are you responsible for ensuring that the area is clean; it is essential to ensure that car owners are going to be satisfied with leaving their vehicles in your lot for extended periods of time. With shade being one of the main aspects of consideration in most parking lots, it will be essential to plant a few trees. Below are great examples of parking lot friendly trees that can be planted.
Various Elm Species
Although Dutch elm disease eradicated thousands of these trees across the country in the 1930s, various disease-resistant cultivars have enabled them to make a fantastic comeback. Many variants of Elm trees are highly suitable for use in vehicle parking lots because they can adapt to several types of soil and they are known for thriving during drought conditions. Another reason why these beautiful trees are ideal for planting in parking areas is because they are salt tolerant.
Autumn Blaze Red Maple
These trees are not only extremely eye-catching with their bright red foliage; they are relatively low maintenance as well. Fast growth of between three and five feet per year mean that these trees will not take long to provide a decent amount of parking lot shade. Autumn Blaze Red Maples can adapt to many types of soil and climatic conditions, while also resisting strong winds and damage caused by ice.
Superior Hybrid Poplar
If it’s one thing many parking lots are short on, it’s shade. However, when planting Superior Hybrid Poplar trees, you can be assured of enjoying plenty shade just a year or two because they are known for growing up to eight feet in a single year. If planted strategically in parking areas, they are able to provide virtually full shade during the hot summer months.
Little-leaved Linden
These trees make excellent additions to busy parking lots because they not only provide excellent shade; they have the ability to withstand the effects of pollution as well. Little-leaved Linden trees can withstand occasional drought and reach heights of between 60 and 70 feet at maturity. Although this tree’s leaves start off as a dark green, they turn a lovely clear yellow during fall. Flowers are pale yellow and quite fragrant.
‘Green Vase’ Zelkova
Not only are these trees extremely resistant to wind, pests and diseases; very little maintenance is required to keep them in check as well. ‘Green Vase’ Zelkova trees are adaptable to most types of soil and they are drought tolerant, making them an excellent choice for most parking lots. These trees are also able to resist heavy amounts of city pollution.
If you are a parking lot manager and you are keen to provide as much shade as possible for tenants, the above-mentioned trees will be excellent choices. Contact us today to find out more about obtaining and caring for them.

July 2, 2021 Commercial